Thursday, January 19, 2017

Are you being judged by your questions? Not moving forward in your career, business, marriage, or fill in the blank _______? It could be because you are not asking the right questions. You need to be good at asking questions.
You might not be getting the feedback you need to make corrections in your behavior. You might not be getting type of answers that you need to hear. You also might just be getting downright wrong information.

What Do You Want?

Ask a question with the answer in mind. I spent quite a few years in the military. We had intelligence reports coming in; we needed data, not someone’s opinion. That meant we wanted strictly the information. We did not want any interpretation. Just the facts, ma’am. When you are asking questions, make sure you put it in the right context.
Other times you might want someone’s opinion. For example, “What do you think of this cologne?” Sometimes you want a reasoned opinion or advice. “What is the route to get from uptown to downtown?” As you get ready to ask your question, make sure you have the right source and they know what you want from them.
  • Do I need a factually correct answer?
  • Do I need an expert opinion?
  • Do I need a well-reasoned judgment?

Learning How to Be Great at Asking Questions

Once you know what kind of information you need and who to ask, you have to ask your questions in a manner that gets the best possible information in response. Asking amazing great questions is skill like any other skill, it takes practice. Here are some techniques to draw out what you need to know.

1. Don’t Ask Yes or No Questions

When you ask a yes or no question, you will most often get incomplete information. Instead, ask an open-ended question. By using an open-ended question you get insights and additional information you might not have known existed. Questions with “would,” “should,” “is,” “are,” and “do you think” all lead to yes or no. Questions with “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “how,” or “why” lead to people giving some thought to their answers and provide much more information.

2. Your Desire To Know More

The use of followup questions is key.  Unless you are looking strictly for the facts, there is some sort of assumption in the answer the person gives you. Ask them a follow up question such as, “What makes you say that?” or “Why do you think that?”
For example,  you are talking to a co-worker and need to know details of a project. Your co-worker tells you that one of the suppliers has been very difficult to work on the project. You will want to follow up on that comment. A question such as “What do you mean he is difficult to work with?” will lead you to the real facts. It may not be because the supplier is particularly difficult to work with but rather is not reachable for quick communications or any number of outside reasons. Follow up questions give you insight and let you make your own opinions about things.

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire

3. Silence Is Power Full
Start getting comfortable with asking a question, waiting for response, listening to the response and then waiting some more. Many times the person you are questioning has more information and will bring it out when you wait for it. You have to be comfortable with that silent period before the dam breaks. Police and military interrogators use silence very effectively. People feel a need to fill the holes in the conversation and often they will then bring out the critical bit of information you seek.

4. Don’t Interrupt

Don’t interrupt the person with whom you are talking. First, it tells the person you don’t value what they are saying. Interrupting stops their train of thought and directs the conversation the way you want, not necessarily the way it should go. Ask your question, then let the person answer it in full, even when you think you are not getting the answer you want. Listen fully to what they are saying and use that to direct them back to the topic in the next question when there is a natural pause.
If time is of the essence and the person has long strayed from the topic, then of course you need to interrupt. Be as polite as possible when doing it. This shows the person that you do respect what they are saying. Say something like, “Excuse me, I want to make sure I understand you. What I heard you say is…” and then bring them back on point to the matter at hand.
As you go forth in your quest for knowledge, remember that asking great questions takes practice. This implies that you probably won’t get it perfect every each outing. Just get started asking questions. Your skills will improve over time. Remember that if you want good answers, they come from asking good questions.
It is important to have some questions prepared and here are a few that could really help: Seven Great Questions to Ask at a Job Interview

Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Little More About Rich

My name is Rich Nickel.  Thanks for stopping by and checking out my webpage.  Im hoping to give you a little insight into "Who Is Rich?".   I grew up playing hockey in, yep, you guessed it, Canada!  But my wife Tracy got me to Texas as soon as she could! So the question you’re probably asking, how does a Canadian meet a Texan?   You meet in the middle of course. Our lives converged in the little town Estes Park, Colorado.  We spent our time together there at a school called Ravencrest Chalet.  After 5 short months in the winter of 1992, we left Estes Park, determined to meet again. Yes… she followed me home to The Great White North.

We married in the summer of 1994 and lived in Washington state for 10 years.  Not much time passed and 3 more Nickels came along.: Jessika, Rich II and Cori.   While life was busy with a growing family, we enjoyed snowboarding with the little guys in the winters and hanging out at the lake in the summers.   We also worked with the youth at our church, and often had a house full of high school kids.  By day I worked for Favinger Plumbing and by night we remodeled a few houses and acquired a rental property.  This is where my love for real estate emerged.

The rest of the story can be found here